Saturday, November 15, 2008

KESC Billing for Dummies

Following the latest reduction in prices, here’s how KESC calculates your bills:
* If you consume 50 units or less, you will be charged at Rs 1.40 per unit
For residential consumers with load of above 50 units:
* The first 100 units will be charged at Rs 4.97 per unit, up by Rs 2.05 per unit from the rates before the original 71 percent increase
* The next 200 units will be charged at Rs 6.13 per unit, up by Rs 2.13 per unit.
* The next 700 units will be charged at Rs 8.58 per unit, up by Rs 1.81 per unit
* All further units will be charged at Rs 9.84 per unit, up by Rs 1.69 per unit.

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